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This is good –> Steve Blank’s Secret History of Silicon Valley - The whole story of how Stanford became the MIT of the West and the evolution of the companies that started there is not told often. Same with the contributions of Vannevar Bush.

Really interesting history, I agree. BTW, I am ex-Office of Naval Research (the agency Vannevar Bush set up to fund university research) and worked in the ONR office on the Stanford campus before they closed that office down in 1994. Coincidentally, that same corner office in the McCullough building used to be William Shockley’s office. See Alan Morrison's answer to What are the most interesting secret places on the Stanford campus?

Thanks so much for the additional links. I've been involved in technology and telecom since the 1970s. I am always looking to learn more about what I call the forgotten geeks. The one person from the origins of the internet crowd that I have learned the most about in recent years is Vannevar Bush. It is amazing how he is so intertwined with so much technology, and IMHO, is seldom mentioned.

What are the most interesting secret places on the Stanford campus?

The Guru 42 Universe is not run by a university professor with a team of editors and advisers working to developing a website. Tom Peracchio is simply someone who loves technology and history and is amazed by how little people know about the great minds in the world of technology.

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valley.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/25 23:08 by