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We Can Do It!“ is an American wartime propaganda poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost worker morale. To read about the history of the We Can Do It poster,!#Geraldine_Hoff_photograph

Naomi Parker Fraley'Naomi Parker Fraley

Research Debunks Identity of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ in ‘We Can Do It!’ Poster

In a forthcoming article in Michigan State University's journal, Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Professor James J. Kimble debunks the commonly held and much celebrated belief that a Michigan woman, Geraldine Hoff Doyle, was the model for the iconic WWII era poster, “We Can Do It!

Originally produced in 1943 by J. Howard Miller for the Westinghouse Corporation as part of the factory production effort during World War II, the “We Can Do It!” poster was mass reproduced in the 1980s and came to be a revered representation of female empowerment.

The Guru 42 Universe is not run by a university professor with a team of editors and advisers working to developing a website. Tom Peracchio is simply someone who loves technology and history and is amazed by how little people know about the great minds in the world of technology.

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rosie.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/25 23:08 by