Los Alamos, New Mexico
Bandelier National Monument https://www.nps.gov/band/index.htm
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe Railyard - https://www.railyardsantafe.com/
Inn of the Governor's https://innofthegovernors.com/
Short walk to the Plaza and its less than some others on the Plaza
If you enjoy museums, buy a multi-musuem pass at the first one you visit. Its less expensive if you visit several of them.
New Mexico History Museum 113 Lincoln Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501-2005
Historic District of Santa Fe http://www.visitcanyonroad.com/
Museum Hill http://museumhill.net/explore.php
Cerrillos, New Mexico http://www.cerrillosnewmexico.com/
Casa Grande Trading Post Los Cerrillos, New Mexico https://www.casagrandetradingpost.com/
Taos, New Mexico
Kit Carson Home and Museum - http://www.kitcarsonmuseum.org/
Albuquerque, New Mexico https://goo.gl/maps/toXHgZBS8eK2
PHL – ABQ $349
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