What is the Marianas Web?
“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” … Lewis Carroll
Who created the Marianas web?
According to the Cult of Tesla, the Puppet Masters of Babylon know the truth about many mysteries. I don't know, ask them.
Why is it not accessible, and how did the creators enter there?
There is no public access. In simplest terms a “closed shell system” as described in dark web mythology is just another term to describe a private network.
Maybe they have a dial up number you use to access it, like in the days of BBS.
Most of the BBS were run by neighborhood geeks as a primitive form of social media. You used your plain old telephone service (POTS) to “dial up” another computer, so in that sense it was like using a computer to make a phone call.
The Guru 42 Universe is not run by a university professor with a team of editors and advisers working to developing a website. Tom Peracchio is simply someone who loves technology and history and is amazed by how little people know about the great minds in the world of technology.
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